Sunday, February 15, 2009

2/15/09 Playlist: Name Dropping

Opening theme—Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass - So What's New

I thought we'd drop a few names today on the show, being that name dropping is a time honored tradition in show business and a few other circles. I won't do that for every song throughout the hour today as overkill can get a little obnoxious and annoying. Moderation is the key, after all. But I just had to start this out with perhaps one of the ultimate name dropping hit songs...of course, I mean the Name Game by Shirley Ellis.

Shirley Ellis – The Name Game
4 Seasons - Dawn (Go Away)
Del Shannon – Hats Off To Larry
Left Banke – Walk Away Renee
Beach Boys – Wendy
(A little self-promotion never hurt anyone, so there it is.)

Giving a show plug here: check out Geo On the Radio on Saturdays from 1-3...hear a lot of indie artists, some oldies, acoustic, comedy, all kinds of "good stuff". And I want to mention that Geo played a show at Red Tree Coffee in nearby Kingston Springs on Friday night. He's an awesome singer and writer and he had a great, enthusiastic turnout...a couple of other RFN DJs came out to join me to support him. If you're a fan of somebody that's what you want for them more than anything else, to see them succeed and knock it out of the park, so it was a sweet thing for all of us to witness. You can read more about that night here, or go to and click on the Nashville Blend link. Scroll down to the entry on Red Tree coffeehouse.

Segment 2: Picking Through the Record Box
The one thing I've noticed in this whole name theme as I was putting this together is that the girls rule—there's no shortage of songs with girls names in the title. I kept that going a little longer as we got into this set.

Grass Roots – Bella Linda
Johnny Mathis – What Will Mary Say
Beau Brummels – Laugh Laugh
Brook Benton - So Many Ways
Dionne Warwick - Message To Michael

Next week on the show I'm doing something that I have not done for the longest time since I tweaked my format and have not yet done since I have been in the Sunday morning time slot: I will be having guests in the studio. I didn't think anyone would want to get up this early in the morning to come in, but a couple of friends of mine approached me about it and they have some great new music to share with us. Kim McLean and Devon O'Day will be with me next week. Kim has a new CD out called Rapunzel's Escape and we'll playing music from that release and be talking with Kim and Devon a bit about what they're up to. So do tune in next week if you can.

Segment 3: Soul Stew
Here's a song I meant to play last week but didn't so I got it in this week:

Wilson Pickett – Mustang Sally
Patti Drew – Workin On A Groovy Thing
James and Bobby Purify – Let Love Come Between Us
Sam and Dave – I Thank You

Segment 4: Non-oldie/Current/New
A few weeks ago I received a MySpace friend request from a country pop band from Glasgow, Scotland called OneDay40. They described their music as "Matchbox 20 in a street fight with the Eagles". Since I'm a pretty big fan of Matchbox 20, and the Eagles, too, that got my curiosity right away. I checked these guys out and every track they had posted was excellent and the vocals were great. So I picked up one track to share with you today—this is from their album "Unfinished Business".

OneDay40 – Sad Cowboy (Unfinished Business)
Kim McLean – Elisabeth (Rapunzel's Escape)

This song I just played is about a person who is an inspiration to someone. Do you have someone who is an inspiration, a teacher, a mentor, a positive role model in your life? And the most important question: do these people know the impact they have had on you? Givers, you see, also deserve to receive. By not holding back and telling them just what they've meant to you, you're giving great blessings back to them. Encouragers also need encouragement...and you just could be giving back to them at a time when they most need it.

Closer – King Curtis – Soul Serenade

Well, things had been going pretty good more or less up until today. Today's show, sorry to say, was a technical train wreck. Some of it was my bad, some of it wasn't. First, one of the CD players was left on continuous rather than single play and I didn't notice that in time, so I had Buddy Holly playing in the middle of the next cut. I could have used Buddy's "Peggy Sue" today I suppose, but the song that played by mistake wasn't it.

Then there was the usual "dance mix" problem with one song (a known issue, I'm told). Because of this, I opted to use my tape cassette version of "I Thank You" by Sam and Dave instead of the station catalog, thinking I'd be safe. Wrong. It was the last song on the side of the tape and I figured it would be okay if I left it in the player and let it stop. Well, it didn't. Turns out it's an auto reverse tape deck. So you can guess the rest. And don't ask me how "Message To Michael" started playing again from the catalog toward the end of the show. I have no clue. It messed me up and threw me off.

Anyhow, thanks for letting me vent.

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